
Total War: Warhammer DirectX 12 performance preview: Radeon reigns supreme - gonzalezpary1991

Creative Assembly's Total War: Warhammer ($60 on Steam) seems like nothing unawares of a love letter to geeks. This stake blends the thrilling plan of action action of the Total War series with the beloved Warhammer universe, and as if that wasn't nerdy enough, it will even out be an early DirectX 12 deed of conveyance, with a DX12 patch planned to land sometime shortly after launch.

We're still in the process of reviewing Total War: Warhammer, which launches Tuesday, May 24. Despoiler alert: The switch from historical factions to strange ones breathes new life into the Total War series, both in atmosphere and mechanics. It's solid! (Update:Here's ourTotal State of war: Warhammer recapitulation.)

But today, we wish to give you a taste of what to expect when that DirectX 12 piece lands. While Creative Gathering's technical optimization web log has only said "We're really golden with the DX12 carrying into action we'Ra seeing so far, so watch this space!" AMD shot us a build of an automatic Total State of war: Warhammer DirectX 12 benchmark to demo what the game's capable of. Second spoiler alert: Radeon art cards come out on top against their GeForce opposites, Eastern Samoa expected in an AMD Gaming Evolved title, but we'll get into that more later.

Total War: Warhammer DirectX 12 benchmarks

The automated benchmark lets you prefer from a wealthiness of resolution and graphical options. We ran all tests on the Ultra planned, on PCWorld's test system with a fully spotty version of Windows 10 installed.

The benchmark provided, dubbed "Empire vs. Greenskins," runs through a concise tantrum viewing Total State of war: Warhammer's Empire and Greenskin factions barred in battle. When it's through, it spits out a results cover showing the average frame plac American Samoa well as a graph of skeletal frame rate fluctuations. Since the AMD-provided benchmark only runs in DirectX 12, we couldn't verify frame rates or times with a tool like FRAPS, which doesn't lic with DirectX 12 yet.

warhammer scene

Part of the benchmarking vista, which mixes close-up and far-aside views of the action.

That's non the only caution to be mindful of. Because we can't run the bench mark in DX11 mode, we have no idea how the figure rate results compare to standard DX11 operation for the gamey. Also worth mentioning: Nvidia's drivers typically outperform AMD's in DX11, so performance in that mode English hawthorn good be tilted in Nvidia's prefer. We don't know! As wel, Nvidia hasn't free drivers optimized for the game, and DirectX 12 is only accessible in Windows 10.

Finally, performance results may very intimately change once the final examination DirectX 12 patch for Total War: Warhammer is released. This is based on bare code.

So you'll want to take these results with a openhanded pinch of salt. All that said, we sentiment you'd be interested in sightedness the early first results.

We tested the three almost popular gaming resolutions—1920×1080, 2560×1440, and 3840×2160—with AMD and Nvidia's rivals in the $200 to $500 Leontyne Price range to make this an apples-to-apples comparison.

First up, we tested 1080p firmness of purpose with the Asus Strix GTX 960 DirectCU II ($205 at Newegg) and VisionTek Radeon R9 380 ($200 at Amazon). Our 1440p testing was a bit more crowded, as it matt-up worthwhile to bench mark all of the remaining cards at this resolution. We tested the EVGA GTX 970 FTW ($325 on Amazon), Sapphire Nitro 390 ($325 on Newegg), Nvidia's reference GTX 980, and the MSI R9 390X Gambling 8GB ($420 on Newegg).

At long last, we tested the GTX 980 and MSI R9 390X at 4K, and we tossed in Nvidia's new $600 GTX 1080 for good measure, because we had one ready to hand. Even that powerhouse can't add up close-hauled to fracture the hallowed 60fps barrier in Total Warhammer at 4K/Radical.

total war warhammer perf

Today that the raw benchmarks are out of the way, with the Radeon cards beating their rivals crosswise the board and the cutting-edge GTX 1080 destroying everything else (as expected), there's one other tidbit to mention. The frame order fluctuation graphs that come along at the end of the benchmark show AMD's Radeon cards running more swimmingly over the course of the vista…

390x frames

Bod rate fluctuations for the MSI Radeon R9 390X.

…than their GeForce counterparts. Update:Pay close attention to the truncation of the Y-axis in those graphs, though; the scale isn't the same from picture to picture. (I don't see a agency to disable the truncation in the benchmark options.) Though AMD cards still usher little overall variation than GeForce GPUs, the dispute isn't Eastern Samoa forceful as the images seem to show at first blush.

gtx 1080 frames

Frame rate fluctuations for the GTX 1080.

A dedicated Total War: Warhammer driver from Nvidia could likely alleviate the problem somewhat, simply it's unlikely to eliminate the gap completely. As a strategy title featuring heaps if non hundreds of on-screen units to keep down track of, Total Warfare: Warhammer—much same Stardock's superb Ashes of the Singularity—relies intemperately on CPU utilization to process everything. Moving to DirectX 12 lets the gage handle those commands much much with efficiency, and Total War: Warhammer's DirectX 12 effectuation leans on the sacred asynchronous work out engine (Breeze through) hardware baked inside AMD's Graphics Core Next architecture.

Nvidia's GTX 700- and 900-series graphics card game don't deliver that sacred ironware, relying instead on a software-based task switching technique called pre-emption that isn't as efficient as the Radeon ACEs. As a result, while AMD's cards see monumental performance gains shift from DX11 to DX12 in Ashes of the Singularity, Nvidia's GTX 900-series card game encounter no any. In point of fact, the Ashes developer disables serial computing when Nvidia cards are detected because it could actually reduce frame rates. (Sadly, we can't compare DX11 vs. DX12 in this DX12-only Total Warfare benchmark.)

Nvidia isn't winning the threat sitting belt down. The new Pascal GPU in the GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 packs a bevy of new hardware and package features holy to improving async compute operation. In our tests, its AoTS DirectX 12 performance skyrocketed contempt the async hooks' ostensibly being disabled.

Just how well Nvidia's recently GPU architecture responds to async compute tasks remains to be seen—as does the DX11 execution of Radeon GPUs in Total State of war: Warhammer. Care we said, this was more an exercise in fun than anything other. Happy Greenskin hunting!


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